ALMubdaa Scientific Company in the community awareness for cervical cancer workshop
ALMubdaa Scientific Company in the community awareness for cervical cancer workshop
 in cooperation with Karbalaa health department, a specialized workshop had been held in obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Karbalaa province, sponsored by Almubdaaa .scientific company,  in observance of heighten community awareness for cervical cancer on 6-7 January 2018
.the workshop was attended by many doctors and gynaecologists.
The workshop included theoretical and practical lecturers, addressed by Dr. Nada Al-Shemmari, (Consultant Obstetrician and gynaecologist colposcopist, West Suffolk Hospital, U.K.), Dr Wasan Safi (head of gynaecology and obstetrics department of the faculty of medicine - Karbalaa university), Dr. Manal Naseh (Lecturer in  Kerala
Medical University) and Dr. Haidar Jabur (consultant pathology).


.The workshop focused on tatest international technoloies of early detection of cervical cancer.
For more details please visit the following link

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Wednesday 7 February 2018 11:38 am
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