in cooperation with Karbalaa health department, a specialized workshop had been held in obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Karbalaa province, sponsored by Almubdaaa .scientific company, in observance of heighten community awareness for cervical cancer on 6-7 January 2018
.the workshop was attended by many doctors and gynaecologists.
The workshop included theoretical and practical lecturers, addressed by Dr. Nada Al-Shemmari, (Consultant Obstetrician and gynaecologist colposcopist, West Suffolk Hospital, U.K.), Dr Wasan Safi (head of gynaecology and obstetrics department of the faculty of medicine - Karbalaa university), Dr. Manal Naseh (Lecturer in Kerala
Medical University) and Dr. Haidar Jabur (consultant pathology).
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Wednesday 7 February 2018 11:38 am